Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Have Experienced Waukesha Lawyers Stand by You on OWI Felony Cases

Writing for the Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel on February 9, 2015, legal affairs specialist Bruce Vielmetti said it was the case of a successful “direct attack” that shot down a recent OWI conviction at the Wisconsin Court of Appeals District IV. “Direct attack” refers to the voidance of a conviction for a first-time offense because the violation was actually a subsequent offense. Such a case only highlights the fact that, when an OWI felony case seems like an insurmountable wall, you can entrust your battle to skilled Waukesha lawyers such as the team at Huppertz and Powers, SC, who can help find avenues for a positive outcome of your case. Despite Wisconsin’s “party culture” reputabtion, a recent study revealed that alcohol-related fatalities in the state has dropped 33% from 2007 to 2012.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Waukesha Criminal Defense Attorney Pushes for ‘Light’ DUI Resolution

If a court has marked you as guilty on DUI charges but you dread the potential jail time, you must rely on your counsel to convince the court to reduce the penalty. It may be the only way to maintain your freedom and be on the path to full recovery. Gary Mihoces of USA Today noted the same of vaunted swimmer Michael Phelps, who went on trial in Maryland in September 2014 on DUI charges. Phelps’ situation may not be that far off from Wisconsin residents who may be facing allegations of driving while inebriated. A tally of motorists in America’s Dairyland shows that at least 25% of those arrested admit exhibiting drunken behavior while operating a motor vehicle – and nearly half of all fatal auto accidents in the state were related to intoxication. If you are making extra effort to avoid being behind bars for DUI but willing to seek remedies for your situation, a proficient Waukesha criminal defense attorney like those at Huppertz and Powers, SC, can take your case forward.