Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Afterward: Expert Waukesha Lawyers Help with Appeals and Expungements

When a trial is over and you’ve been convicted of a crime, it can be easy to despair and think that your future is bleak—but all is not lost. Hiring skilled Waukesha lawyers like those from the firm of Huppertz & Powers, S.C. can help you appeal your case to overturn your conviction. Though filing an appeal may sound simple, it can be quite complicated. You can only file an appeal if there was a legal error that skewed the trial’s result against you. For criminal cases, an appeal means requesting a higher court to examine the trial records to determine if the legal error affected how the case was decided or how you were sentenced and if it did so, the case should be dismissed or re-trial and re-sentencing must be done. The records to be examined will include the trial transcripts and any documents that were presented as evidence during the trial.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Skilled Waukesha Attorney Can Help Defend Against an OWI Conviction

In Wisconsin, an Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) charge is not something that can be taken lightly. Even if there is jail time for a first offense, you’ll still have to pay a fine that could reach up to $300 and have your license suspended from six to nine months. That’s just the tip of the iceberg of consequences that an expert Waukesha criminal defense attorney from a firm like Huppertz & Powers, S.C. can help you avoid. An OWI conviction, even a first one, can be problematic for many people. Though Wisconsin doesn’t mandate jail time for the conviction, it will still go on your permanent record as a misdemeanor. Young people applying for college may have trouble getting into their preferred college once a background check is done. Moreover, jobs that require professional and state licensing like being a teacher or doctor may be out of your reach since a misdemeanor might disqualify you from getting a license.